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From Educator to Entrepreneur 

Being an EDUCATOR in the education service for more than 2 decades has deepen my understanding of how people learn and has sharpened my skills in engaging people to learn and grow. This is the main reason why I have remained in the education sector after leaving the Ministry of Education in Singapore 


As an ENTREPRENEUR  I am venturing into areas related to my passion ... Character & Soft-skills Development, Fitness & Health and Staff Training & Development. I feel these are also CORE areas of focus for most individuals and organisations. I firmly believe that content delivery is as important as content development in any organisation. Achieving the intended learning outcomes requires effective instructional strategies with the right pedagogy / andragogy. There are already many training gurus and great training companies out there ... yes, I am still learning and honing my skills. I am pursuing excellence in my craft (not perfection) and aiming to be recognised for my craft one day.


Find out more from my blog


  • Managing Unconscious Bias Certification Program (USA)

  • Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (WSQ)

  • Management and Leadership in Schools Programme (NIE)

  • Business Excellence Niche Standard (People)


  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement) (Hon I)

  • Diploma in Physical Education

  • Diploma in Education

  • ​Diploma in Electronic Engineering


  • National Day Award - The Commendation Medal      

  • National Innovation and Quality Circles - Silver Award


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Tel: +65 91706069


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