Do For Fun:D
About the Movement
Started on 1st June 2020, this movement encourages people from all walks of life to participate in activities for a good cause.
doer - donor concept

Collab with DSTA, C3 Development Department
Set up a booth for a fundraising event during their annual National Day Observance Ceremony. Proceeds from the sale of Jabbed Doughnuts were given to Children's Aid Society and Melrose Care Counseling.

Dear Roger,
We are grateful to have you to guide our team to prepare over 1100 Jabbed Doughnuts, which doubled up as a team-bonding activity. My colleagues shared that it was a really memorable experience!
With your help, we managed to raise a total of $2115 as a department, which far exceeded our target. We really admire and salute you for your energy and the amount of planning and effort you put into doing your part for charity each year. Looking forward to more of your innovative ideas and may your newly launched Co-Fiitness take off!
Thank you once again, and happy to have worked with you!
Sharon Ang
Senior Programme Manager PO

Have fun with your freshly baked doughnut holes with freshly-made fillings in syringes. Limited period only … in support of our nation's vacci-nation drive and a non-profit organisation! Enjoy them with your family, friends and colleagues.
support do for fun:D
For every delivery charges waived, that amount is donated to All Saints Home (Nursing Home). $2100 have been donated between Aug-Nov 2021.
doughnut fillings
Pf BioN Choc – 75% Dark chocolate ganache
Sputnikoffee – Coffee-flavoured chocolate ganache
Modern-a-orange – Orange-flavoured chocolate ganache
* Xstra Kahlua - Kahlua infused chocolate (alcoholic)
* Johnson & Jack D – Jack Daniel infused chocolate (alcoholic)
* Sino-Vok – Vodka infused chocolate (alcoholic)
[* for consumption by 18yo and above]
Non-alcoholic -$2.60 each / Alcoholic -$3.90 each
Order here Pay Later
Supported by Sport Singapore

At the end of the 2.5 months, 80 Doers registered for the 55 Push-Up in 1-min Challenge and 80 Donors donated $55 each for every Doer who completed the challenge. In total, $4800 was raised for 3 charitable organisations.
People who supported this project included ...
Working out is a lifestyle. What a great initiative to raise funds while keeping fit! Maxi Lim - Actor
Local actor, Aaron Khaled, supports the #SG55PU project and wants you to be part of this good cause too
Steven Tan
Lim Tong Hai
Local Football Heroes
Jump For Fun:D
Jumping Jack Marathon Challenge
To do as many jumping jacks as possible in 20min one at a time by students and staff in their classes.
1000 participants

Students / Staff raised funds from families / friends to match the total number of jumping jacks.
Community Chest
School's 120 Fund

SC Day / ND Celebrations
Unique & meaningful way to celebrate Singapore's 55th B'day. Active Fun for a good cause.
Steven Tan
Football Coach
ACTIVE SG Footbal Academy
Steven Tan
Football Coach
ACTIVE SG Footbal Academy
Steven Tan
Football Coach
ACTIVE SG Footbal Academy
Heading 5

Samantha Tan
Fundraising Executive
All Saints Home
All Saints Home is blessed to have been a part of the National Moving-Giving Challenge organised by Core Entreprise. Besides being a meaningful and creative initiative to raise funds for the community and needy, the campaign also aims to inspire doers to kickstart their fitness journey. Everyone's a winner! We hope that more people will be encouraged to take up this Moving-Giving Challenge in the future!

Pek Hai Lin
Zero Waste SG
We are very appreciative of Core Enterprise's innovative fundraising effort to rally the public to raise funds while keeping fit at the same time! The effort put into fitness guidance for the Doers during the process is very thoughtful as well. We are excited to see how it can involve more people in time to come!

Call for Action
Let's work together to encourage one another to start a campaign for a good cause or support an existing Do For Fun:D Campaign.
Contact me to start a campaign together.